Requesting Removal of your Photo and Data

You may request removal of your media, contact info, and data, at any time by simply sending us an email. Upon receipt, we will remove your photo or video within a reasonable amount of time (typically within 48 hours, or earlier, if requested, and if possible). We consider any opt-out request from a Guest user as synonymous with a request to remove photos and/or data. Since our platform host many photos and is used by many clients, we require specific information in order to locate your photo and honor your request. If the information you provide to us is inadequate or incomplete, we may be unable to delete your data without asking for and receiving additional information. Once your photo and data are permanently deleted, we will not be able to recover them from our platform, and any links that associate your photo with our platform will no longer work.

Privacy Policy Overview

You can always contact us with questions or requests about your data by emailing us.

What We Collect and How We Use Your Information

If you are a Client and purchase Services from us, or a consumer, and purchase merchandise from us, we use your personal information to fulfill on those requests, which may sometimes be handled through 3rd party vendors (e.g. a photo merchandise vendor). We may also use your information to send you promotional communications, such as special offers, surveys, newsletters, etc. You have the ability to opt-out of these communications at any time by clicking on the clearly visible links that are included with each form of communication.

From time to time, we collect statistical data and information in an automated fashion. This does not include personal information, but we may associate it with personal information collected in other ways or received from third parties, provided to us by you.